- 名称:空间梁大变形大转动的共旋坐标法有限元分析
- 类型:结构论文
- 大小:451 KB
- 更新时间:12-01 20:10:37
- 下载次数:9155次
- 语言:简体中文
- 推荐度:
- 上传会员ID:2439393
空间梁大变形大转动的共旋坐标法有限元分析Based on a co-rotational framework, a 3-noded iso-parametric element formulation of 3D beam was presented, which was used for accurate modelling of frame structures with large displacements and large rotations. Firstly, a co-rotational framework was fixed at the internal node of the element, it translates and rotates with the node rigidly; then, vectorial rotational ,空间梁大变形大转动的共旋坐标法有限元分析的文件大小为451 KB,本站还有大量关于结构论文方面的资源提供下载哦。为下次能方便快速的找到本站,记得收藏我们的网址(http://www.jianzhu518.com)哦!