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Property Times Industrial Beijing 1H 2008

  • 名称:Property Times Industrial Beijing 1H 2008
  • 类型:房地产综合资料
  • 大小:302 KB
  • 更新时间:12-01 16:07:45
  • 下载次数:9180
  • 语言:简体中文
  • 推荐度:
  • 上传会员ID:2771821
《Property Times Industrial Beijing 1H 2008》下载简介
On January 31st, 2008, The National Land Reserve Bureaureleased the guidelines for it's recently set forth land reformcampaign. The reform's policies, which focus upon investmentintensity*, building density, construction coefficient, proportionof service and office facilities l.. ,Property Times Industrial Beijing 1H 2008的文件大小为302 KB,本站还有大量关于房地产综合资料方面的资源提供下载哦。为下次能方便快速的找到本站,记得收藏我们的网址(http://www.jianzhu518.com)哦!
