当前位置:518建筑网建筑工程建筑标准规范通用标准BS 6349-8:2007 Maritime structures - Part 8: Code of practice for the design of Ro-Ro ramps, linkspans and walkways.pdf -- 下载

BS 6349-8:2007 Maritime structures - Part 8: Code of practice for the design of Ro-Ro ramps, linkspans and walkways.pdf

  • 名称:BS 6349-8:2007 Maritime structures - Part 8: Code of practice for the design of Ro-Ro ramps, linkspans and walkways.pdf
  • 类型:通用标准
  • 大小:305 KB
  • 更新时间:05-02 21:33:06
  • 下载次数:9908
  • 语言:简体中文
  • 推荐度:
  • 上传会员ID:2472672
《BS 6349-8:2007 Maritime structures - Part 8: Code of practice for the design of Ro-Ro ramps, linkspans and walkways.pdf》下载简介
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BS 6349-8:2007 Maritime structures - Part 8: Code of practice for the design of Ro-Ro ramps, linkspans and walkways.pdf


上一篇:GB 17429-1998 火灾显示盘通用技术条件.rar


标签:design  practice  通用标准建筑标准规范 - 通用标准